- 1 min

Since I was really struggling with my PDEs module (I felt like I didn’t understand anything at all) I decided to start going through my notes and making an interactive version of them, which actually made me understand the module! I definitely want to finish them and make even more interactive plots and the like for all of the content (and also make them for some of my other modules, real analysis, for example) but that will have to wait until after finals. For now, here’s what I have.

You can download the mathematica notebook here and the cdf version here (which you can view with the free wolfram cdf player or below, assuming that doesn’t kill your browser like it did mine)

Note: I doubt this will be of much help to anyone but I had fun making it so I thought I’d share, as it is right now in addition to being incomplete in terms of content, the only interactivity is built around the specific areas I was having trouble understanding and there’s certainly a lot of content that could use more interactive graphics or normal plots but since my main goal was to understand the content and it was a time sensitive endeavor I opted not to bother do any of that with any parts I did understand.

Jamie Cayley

Jamie Cayley

Grad Student & TA at Missouri State University

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