Welcome to my abstract algebra page! As of right now all of the content here came from my blog but I’m working on first making the content easier to navigate and then I’m going to try to make it more like a subject guide. I hope the content here is of some use to you. If you want to give me any feedback or have any questions please email me at jamie(at)theeyrie.co.uk
This was made using Jekyll and it is hosted on github pages. You can see the github repository with all the relevant files here. The design is based on the BlackDoc theme, the syntax highlighting is based on base 16
This series is primarily meant to help me study by forcing me to consolidate my notes and thoughts into a format that is easy for others to understand and that it is easily accessible and harder to lose that the handwritten notes currently contained on my clipboard. The content in this notes might include excerpts from my lecture notes from Math 113 taught by professor Rieffel at UC Berkeley in Fall 2015, Math 113 taught by professor Rideau at UC Berkeley in Spring 2016, Math 120 taught by professor Vakil at Stanford in Fall 2014 and the textbooks Abstract Algebra by Dummit and Foote; Algebra, Abstract and Concrete by Goodman (which is available for free here) and Algebra by Lang.
My name is Jamie and I’m an MMath student at the University of Surrey. Before being a student at Surrey I spent a year studing math at UC Berkeley and before then I was self-schooled. As of last year I thought the focus of my mathematical career would be abstract algebra but since then I took an introductory real analysis class which I really enjoyed, so I guess we’ll see where things go from here.