Let R be an integral domain. Then R is a PID (Principal Ideal Domain) if every ideal is principal. A GCD always exists in a PID (unique up to unit factors).
Proposition: let R be a PID, prime. Then I is maximal.
Proof: for some . By Krull’s theorem there is such that and (m) is maximal. if then a = xm for some . Since (a) is prime we need x or m in (a) If then and so (a) is maximal. If then x = au for some . So a=xm=aum=1,which means and hence so which would mean (m) is not maximal which is a contradiction.
Proposition: Let R be a ring. The following are equivalent: 1) R is a field 2) is Euclidean 3) is a PID.
Proof: was proved in last post, follows because Euclidean PID. : is integral R is integral. by the first isomorphism theorem so (x) is prime and maximal (since is a PID), hence is a field.
Let R be an integral domain and . 1) is irreducible if whenever r = ab, we have or . 2) if r is not irreducible we say it is reducible. 3) is prime if (r) is prime.
Lemma: if is irreducible and then ur is irreducible.
Proof: ur = ab, . r irreducible implies if .
are associated if (r) = (s).
Proposition: let R be an integral domain and . Then r prime r irreducible.
Proof: Assume r = ab for . THen ab = prime so we must have or . Assume without loss of generality that . Then for some . Thus so r is irreducible. (Note: in general the converse is not true)
Proposition: if R is a PID then prime = irreducible
Proof: was proved above. Let be irreducible. Let be an ideal containing (r). Then so r = mu for sme . Since r is irreducible either m is a unit or u is a unit. If m is a unit then I = R so (r) is maximal, which means (r) is prime so r is prime If u is a unit then .
Let R be an integral domain. R is a UFD (Unique Factorization Domain) if 1) for all there exists irreducible elements in R such that . 2) The decomposition is unique: if are irreducible and then n=m and there exists such that is associated to . Note that the might be non distinct.
Examples: is a UFD, any PID is a UFD. If R is a UFD then is a UFD. is a UFD that is not a PID.
Proposition: let R be a PID, then R is a UFD.
Proof: Let if r is irreducible we’re done. Assume r is not irreducible. Then where such that . This process stops if is irreducible. Assume the process does not stop. Then . Therefore . is an ideal since an increasing union of ideals is always an ideal. Since R is a PID I = (a) for some a. Then there exists i such that which is a contradiction. Hence there exists i0 such that is irreducible and . By the same proof applied to we get that . We go on by induction (we stop if is a unit). . Because we have no infinite increasing chains of ideals there exists i0 such that and so r is a product of irreducibles. Uniqueness: we’ll proceed by indcution on n: for n = 1 . If is a unit then is nonempty so is a unit which is not possible because an irreducivle element cannot be a unit, hence m=1 and . Assume case n holds . Then hence . Since R is a PID there exists such that therefore where u is a unit. Then so and by induction we are done.
Fundamental theorem of arithmetic: is a UFD
Proof: is euclidean is a PID is a UFD.
Proposition: let R be a UFD, then prime irreducible
Proof: prime irreducible follows from the ring being integral. Irreducible prime: assume are such that so there exists a c in R such that cp =ab. Let . By uniqueness we might assume that p and are associated so . Therefore so p divides a and we’re done.