Lemma: Let K be a field and be a collection of subfields of K. Then is a subfield of K (proof is left as an exercise to the reader).
Generated field: let K be a field, . The field generated by A is the smallest subfield of K that contains A, which if it exists, is exactly ).
Notation: if is a field extension and , then is the field generated by F and . If then is simple and is a primite element.
Proposition: let is a field extension, , and irreducible with then , .
Proof: let be a ring homomorphism defined by . ker. since P is irreducible and F[x] is a PID, (P) is maximal, hence or . Note that because so . By the first isomorphism theorem , where .
Corollary: Let F, K, P and be defined as above and deg(P) = n, then and .
let be a field extension. is algebraic if there is a such that If is not algebraic it is transendental. is algebraic if every is algebraic over F.
A polynomial is said to me monic if the leading coefficient is 1.
Proposition: Let be a field extesion, algebraic. Then there exists irreducible monic such that Also, .
Proof: , so is an ideal. Since is a PID, for some . and so because Q and are associated. So . By the first isomorphism theorem . Since is integral, is prime, therefore Q is irreducible and is irreducible.
Corollary: let be field extensions and be algebraic over F, then in .
Proof: is a root of so .
is a minimal polynomial of over F.
Remark: so
Examples: has minimal polynomial (deg 2), has minimal polynomial (deg 2), has minimal polynomial (deg 1), j/Q has minimal polynomial (deg 2)
Proposition: is algebraic over F if and only if is finite.
Proof: the forward direction is proved above: which is finite. Conversely, let . are not linearly independent over F, therefore there exists not all 0 such that , hence so .
Corollary: let be a field extension and algebraic. Then is algebraic.
Proof: let , then so so is algebraic over F.