The Alternating Group

Let , the number of inversions of is = inv(). For example (1,2) has 1 inversion, has inversions, (1,2,3) has 2 inversions.

Let we define the sign of to be . For example .

Proposition: Let . Let and let , then

Proof: where if there is no inversion or 1 if there is inversion. This expression is therefore equal to

Proposition: is a group morphism.

Proof: let . Then so

Alternating group (): the alternating group is defined as ker(. For by the first isomorphism theorem and by Lagrange . For example:

Proposition: if is a k cycle, then

Proof: let’s consider , where . Claim: Let then so. Let . By induction min by construction is injective so

From above it follows that 1, (1 2 3), (1 3 2), (1 2)(3 4), (1 2 4), (1 4 2), (1 3 4), (1 4 3), (2 3 4), (2 4 3), (1 3)(2 4), (1 4)(2 3). Note that is not simple.

Theorem: is simple if . is generated by 3 cycles.