Let G be a group. G is cyclic if there exists a such that . This property is denoted and we say that G is generated by g.
For example, ( is the group of all integers with addition as the group operation) and ( is the group of integers modulo n, ie integers from 1 to n-1, with addition as the group operation).
A note on notation: when we are working with all integers (and variables) are modulo n. This is comonly denoted by placing a bar on top of numbers and variables (eg, are both modulo n) but for simplicity I will not use this notation unless not using it would result in ambiguity means that a divides b, and (a, b) denotes the greater common divisor of a and b.
Proposition: the order of an element is equal to the size of the group it generates. If is infinite then if and only if i = j, hence x has infinite order. If is finite and then , so x has order n.
Theorem: let H be cyclic generated by x, then (1) if the order of x is infinite then (2) if then .
Proof: (1) Let be a homomorphism that sends . Since f is well defined. Since if and only if if and only if i = 0 then f is injective. Finally since , f is surjective. This completes the proof for part 1. (2) let be a homomorphism that sends . If i = j then since if i = j then . We can also see that so this homomorphism is well defined. if and only if where i = qn+r and . Hence so r = 0 and i = 0, hence f is injective. Since f is surjective. Thiscompletes the proof for part 2.
Remark: if H and G are cyclic, if and only if
Proposition: (1) Let be finite, then for all (all integers except 0) has finite order. (2) Let be finite with then for all has order
Proof: (1) if and only if am = 0 if and only if m = 0, so has infinite order. (2) if and only if am = 0 mod n if and only if . Let d = (n,a) where and (k,l) = 1. From that it follows that if if and only if if and only if , hence the order of is k = .
Proposition: (1) if is finite, with , if and only if (2) If is finite and with , if and only if (a,n) = (b,n).
Proof: (1) . If so . Similarly so . Conversely if then so or and . (2) so so so (n,a) = (n,b). Conversely assume (n,a) = (n,b) = d we have a = kd, so which means and . Since so . Similarly .