Euclidean Domains

Note: from now on every ring is unitary and commutative and every homomorphism is unitary except when otherwise noted.

A norm on a ring R is a map such that N(0) = 0.

An integral domain R is Euclidean for the norm N if for all if there exists such that a=bq+r and or where q is the quotient and r is the reminder.

Example: any field is an Euclidean domain (for any norm) since .

Proposition: is an Euclidean domain, .

Proof: let . The intervals for cover . This means there exists such that . Then . If . If .

Proposition: Let K be a field, is euclidean for .

Proof: let . If A = 0, then Q=R=0. If then Q = 0, R = A. If we proceed by induction on deg(A).. By induction where .. In fact in that case Q and R are unique. . So . so and .

Proposition: Let R be an Euclidean domain, if is an ideal then I is principal.

Proof: if , I is principal by definition. Otherwise let have minimal norm. Let , by Euclidean division, x=aq+r so or r = 0. If r = 0 then . If then . So r = 0 and hence .

Let R be a ring and . 1) b divides a if there is an such that a = xb (equivalently ) 2) a gcd (greatest common divisor) of a and b (if it exists) is such that and and for all if and then . Equivalently d is a generator of the smallest principal ideal containing a and b (when it exists). In is maximal, non principal and gcd(2,x) = 1.

Proposition: let R be an integral domain and . Then if and only if there exists such that .

Proof: assume . We have for and for . Then . Assume . Then , so and so hence .

Corollary: the GCD, if it exists is well defined up to multiplication by units.

Proposition (Euclid’s Algorithm): let R be an euclidean domain, . We define by induction as follows: or . or until . Then gcd(a,b).

Proof: First, by induction on i we show that . so . So and . By decreasing induction we prove that . By convention . . . . Therefore (a,b) = . so gcd(a,b) = .