Group Actions

Let be a group, and X be a set. An action of G on X is a map such that (1) for all and and (2) for all .

A note on notation: I will write gx instead of gx if there is no possible confusion but will try to use the gx notation throughout the post.

Examples: acts on by id(x) = x. acts on the vertices of the ngon () by sending vertices to their image under the transformation. G acts on titself in the following ways: 1) (action by left translation) 2) (action by conjugation). G acts on P(x) in the following ways: a) . b) . If V is a K vector space then scalar multiplication is a group action of K* on V:

Let G be a group, X a set. A right action of G on X is a map such that (1) for all and (xg)h = x(gh) and (2) for all , x*1 = x.

Proposition: let G be a group acting on X. 1) for all the map is a bijection 2) the map is a group homomorphism. Conversely if is a group homomorphism then g*x = fg(x) is a group action.

Proof: 1) the two functions are inverse bijections. 2) so Conversely id(x) = x.

Let G be a group acting on X and . We define the stabilizer of A in G ( as


Proof: so . Let Let so .

Remarks: (1) is the stabilizer of A for the action by conjugation. (2) is the stabilizer of under the action of G on P(G) by conjugation. (3) is sometimes called the kernel of the action. It is indeed the kernel of associated with the action.

Let G be a group acting on X and . We call the set the orbit of x. The orbit by conjucation action is called the conjugation class.