Given a finite set n containing n elements, the permutations of the set are exactly all of the one to one and onto functions from S to S (where one to one means injective, which means that if f(x) = f(y), then x = y and onto which means surjective, so for all such that f(a) = b).
The set of permutations is denoted . contains an identity, which is the identity function, namely the permutation that sends each element to itself, and it has an inverse function. In general the product in a permutation group is not commutative, but disjoint cycles do commute (disjoint means that the numbers moved by one cycle are leaved fixed by the other).
We can actually represent as a permutation group: let . An element of is identified with a permutation of by its action on the vertices.
A note on notation: permutations can be denoted in various ways, throughout this blog they will be denoted in the following way: (1 2 3 4) denotes the permutation that sends 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, and 4 to 1.
Now onto some basic properties:
1) The order of is n! The permutations of are the injective functions of the set to itself because it is finite. An injective function can send 1 to any of the n elements of can then be any one of the elements except , can be any element except and and so on. Hence there are n(n-1)(n-2)…2*1=n! possible injective functions from to itself. Hence there are precisely n! elements in
2) let we say that is a cycle if there exists such that and sends to . Such cycle is said to have length k and we call it a k cycle. wil be denoted . 1 cycles are the identity, 2 cycles are transpositions.
3) Let then is a product of disjoint cycles, ie there exist distinct .
4) is generated by transpositions. Since every permutation in is a product of disjoint cycles, we can easily see that we can write the disjoint k cycle as , hence every permutation is a product of transpositions.