Let R be a commutative unitary ring. A polynomial is a formal sum where each and . The leading term is , the degree is n, the leading coefficient is , and it is monic if .
is a ring of polynomials of x with coefficients from R. Addition is defined by . Multiplication is defined by: (note that it is commutative because R is commutative). It is associative because distributivity also holds, 1 is the multiplicative identity. Hence is a commutative unitary ring.
Example: is the ring of polynomials with rational coefficients. is a ring of polynomials with coefficients in . Some sample computations in (addition) (multiplication). In , so is a square (however it is not a square in ).
Let R be a ring and an integer. is the ring of all matrices with entries from R. Addition is defined coordinate wise: . Multiplication: .
Why is it a ring?
If R is unitary, the group of units in is generally called , where GL stands for general linear.