Let be a homomorphism, then the kernel of f is defined as follows: where 1 is the identity of H. In other words, the kernel is the inverse image of the identity.
Proposition: Let G and H be groups and let be a homomorphism. 1) where are the identities of G and H respectively. 2) for all 3) for all 4) is a subgroup of G 5) , the image of G under , is a subgroup of H
Proof: (I’ll prove 4 and 5, the rest are easily proven from the definition of a homomorphism and hence are left as an exercise to the reader) 4) Since (by definition), the kernel is not empty. Let x, y . Then so hence . 5) Since the identity of H is in the image of . If and then and hence is in the image .
Let G be a group and let H be a subgroup of G. We say that H is normal in G and write if for every .
Proposition: Let be a homomorphism. Then the kernel of is a normal subgroup of G.
Proof: let and . Then so
Proposition: let G be an abelian group and let H be any subgroup. Then H is normal in G. (since for every )
Let . For any , and are the left and right cosets of N in G (respectively). if N is a kernel of a homomorphism then the left and right cosets are the same.
Let be a homomorphism with kernel K The quotient group G/K (G mod K) is the group whose elements are the left cosets of K in G with operation defined by .
Theorem: Let N be a subgroup of the group G. The following are equivalent: 1) (N is a normal subgroup of G) 2) (the normalizer in G of N is G) 3) (the set of right and left cosets are equal) 4) The operation on left cosets of N in G mentioned above () makes the set of left cosets into a group 5) for all (proof is left as an exercise to the reader)
Proposition: a subgroup N of the group G is normal if and only if it is the kernel of some homomorphism.
Proof: if N is the kernel of the homomorphism f then the left and right cosets of N are the same. By part 3 of the previous theorem, N is a normal subgroup. Conversely if let and define by for all . By definition of so f is a homomorphism. ker(f) = so N is the kernel of the homomorphism.
Lagrange’s theorem: Let G be a finite group and H a subgroup of G, then the order of H divides the order of G and the number of left cosets of H in G equals
Proof: Let n be the cardinality of H and k the number of left cosets of H in G. Let be the map and let be the map . Let , then . Let , then . This shows that B is the inverse of A and hence the cardinality of each left coset is equal to the cardinality of H (namely, n). Since G is a disjoint union of its k left cosets, = kn so completing the proof.
Let G be a group (possibly infinite) and , the number of left cosets of H in G is called the index of H in G and is denoted by . In the case of finite groups the index of H in G is and in the case of infinite groupsm subgrouos may have finite or infinite index (eg has infinite index and has index n for every ).