Let R be a ring, is a subring of R ) if 1) (equivalently, S is closed under subraction and nonempty) 2) for all
Remark: if R is unitary we also want , in which case we say S is a unitary subring.
Examples: (unitary subrings). is a subring but is not unitary unless .
Let R and S be rings and is a function. If for all (it is a ring homomorphism) and for all then is a ring homomorphism.
Remarks: if R and S are unitary we might want (in that case we will talk of a homomorphism of unitary rings). A bijective ring homomorphism is called an isomorphism.
Proposition: Let R and S be rings and be a ring homomorphism. 1) for all 2) for all
Let (where R is a ring). I is an ideal if 1) are groups 2) for all When R is unitary and is an ideal, if then I = R (in fact if is nonempty then I = R)
Proposition: let R and S be rings and a ring hommorphism, then ker() is an ideal in R.
Proof: by definition. For all hence . hence .
Proposition: let R be a ring and an ideal. The group can be made into a ring such that the map that sends is a ring homomorphism.
Proof: (where ). Well defined? let and , then (by definition of ideals). Associativity: . Distributivity: (the proof of right distributivity is left as an exercise). So is a ring (we call R/I the quotient ring of R modulo I).
Note that if R is unitary and is an ideal then R/I is unitary (similarly if R is commutative, R/I is commutative).
Propositon: let R be a ring, . The following are equivalent: 1) I is an ideal 2) there exists a such that
Proof: for . was proved above ( is an ideal in R)
First isomorphism theorem (for rings): let R and S be rings and is a ring homomorphism. Then (the proof is left as an exercise to the reader, as it is very similar to the proof of this theorem for groups).