Contact Details & Review Policy

At the moment I review books on this blog once a month in a monthly wrap-up post. I will try to read books that are sent for review within a month of getting them and I will post a review on both goodreads and netgalley (if applicable) within a week of finishing the books and I might chose to post a review to instagram as well. Whenever I receive a book for review I will note this by putting an asterisk next to the title and a disclosure at the bottom of the post. If for some reason I chose to not finish reading a book I will write a very short review listing the reasons why I chose not to but I will not give the book a star rating (for an example of a DNF review check out my review of Sight by Jessie Greengrass).

I am happy to review both ebooks and physical copies (with a slight preference towards physical copies), I use a kindle so both .mobi and .pdf files are ok and I do accept indie/self published books for review. If there’s a book you’d like me to review please shoot me an email at I prefer sci-fi, YA, fantasy, historical fiction, literary fiction. I will not review romance, erotica, poetry, self help.

If you’re a fellow reader and want to chat about books, feel free to shoot me an email, follow my bookstagram, join my newsletter or add me as a friend on goodreads, I’d love to have more bookish friends!